
Going back to school September 2020

Dear Valued customer, With so many changes taking place due to COVID 19 across every retail sector in the country, here at Rawcliffes we felt it was really important to clarify how purchasing your child’s uniform has changed from years past and to reassure you that all your uniform requirements for September 2020 are well [...]

RSC Associate Schools Festival

  I was lucky enough to photograph the Royal Shakespeare Company's Associate Schools Festival earlier this week. Many Schools took part and gave impressive performances! The schools included St Charles, St Mary's College, St Anthony's, St Mary Queen of Martyrs,  St Richards, St Vincent's Endsleigh Holy Child and St Thomas More.  Unfortunately photos can't be [...]

Name labels available online.

It's a particularly good idea to add name labels to your child's school clothing. As parents know, items can easily get mixed up, especially during PE changes! You can choose from both Iron on and Sew on  options. We have now updated the online store so you can input your child's name easily to complete your [...]

Schools (nearly) out for summer!

It's nearly that time of the year again, the summer holidays.  And of course many children will be changing schools in the Autumn term. Don't leave the buying of new school uniforms until the last panic stricken minute! Browse our well stocked  Online shop to make school uniform shopping much easier and less time consuming. [...]
